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Dom Beards

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Ask the WebBunny


The WebBunny is here to listen to yours questions...

For a carrot, the WebBunny will answer any question... e-mail her at

Dear WebBunny,

I can't get my beard strokably smooth, can you help me?


Dear UnStrokable,

I recommend a moisturizer high in beta-carotene and Vitamin A. These occur naturally in carrots. Try crushing one or two in a food processor and massaging it into your beard every 2-3 days, Carrot oil is very good for reducing scars that may exist from inappropriate weeding. I guarantee you an eye-opening experience!


Yo WebBunny,

I am 17 and my face isn't sprouting like my fellow mates.

What Gives?

Dear NeedABeard/HaveNoLife,

Beards, like carrots, come with all sorts of different tops. Some are leafy and green while others are straggly and matted brown. But while you may be getting enough sunshine and water to grow crunch and tall, sometimes it helps to add manure. You may find that a brown nose will help your beard tremendously!

**Here's hopping for you!**

Dear WebBunny,

My partner doesn't understand why I grow my beard... is she mental?


Dear BeardUnderstood,

Sadly, you will find that beards, like carrots, are not always welcome for every situation for example anal examinations. A carrot may not be the proper tool for an anal exam. Not everyone fancies carrots but everyone enjoys anal play! You may find lube helps your beard look more presentable to your partner and makes taking that carrot anally much easier.

**Keep Crunching**

Dear WebBunny,

My boyfriend wants me to stroke his beard...can you tell me how, the very idea is quite an alien concept to me.

Please help!

Dear Strokeless,

First start by smoothing down the leaves at the base, I find a downwards licking motion circling slowly from the base towards the tip to be quite effective. You may want to concentrate your efforts on the tip while using your hands in a ringing motion in opposite directions around the body of the carrot. Remember, keep it wet, keep it shiny and keep stroking!

**Carrotty Fun for Everyone**